Age Group : 2.5 - 3.5 Years
Duration : 3 Hours Per Day
We observe & listen to their expressed interests. Children at this age wish to touch, taste , smell hear and test things for themselves.they learn by experiencing and by doing.
They are busy developing skills using language,and to gain inner control.we maintain a balance between play & learning,children at the=is age enjoy dramatic play,as their emotions are extreme & short lived,They need to be express their feelings,with words, and also to share.
What they achieve with us ?
- Physical development – They catch a ball, they build towers of blocks, they jump, handle small objects,to draw or to paint in horizontal motions
- Social development – They are encouraged to be self expressive of their feelings and basic life skills to make them more independent.
- Intellectual development – They are taught to do group activities, Hands on experience ( learning by doing), Enhancing their attention spans.